Congratulations to Kevin. Our latest successful quitter!
Kevin, 48, started smoking when he joined the Army at age 16 and before he became smokefree, he was smoking around 30 cigarettes a day. After several unsuccessful quit attempts, Kevin has now been smokefree for nearly 12 weeks and is enjoying the better health,...
Kira’s Smokefree Success Story
Kira was referred to our stop smoking services by her midwife. Knowing the harms smoking can cause in pregnancy, she was determined to quit her 15 – 25 a day smoking habit. Kira successfully became smokefree with the support of One You Plymouth NHS Health...
One You Plymouth at the Wellbeing Connections Networking Event
Fantastic day at the Wellbeing at Work Wellbeing Connections Networking Event last week. We had a great day engaging with partners on ways to connect and support each other, as well as meaningful interactions with networkers interested in learning more about our...
‘Find your little big thing’
It's World Mental Health Day and the focus for this year is all about doing the little things that can make a big difference to your mental wellbeing. Making time for mental wellbeing and self-care is important - and embedding small things as part of your routine...
Stoptober is back for 2023!
WHEN YOU STOP SMOKING, GOOD THINGS START TO HAPPEN’ Stoptober is back and is calling on the over 5 million smokers in England to join the thousands of smokers who are committing to quitting this October. This year's Stoptober mass quit attempt is as important as...
One You Plymouth at the Plymouth Social Isolation Forum – Open Doors Event
Our Health Improvement Practitioners, Sandra, Charley and Lisa, recently attended the “Plymouth Social Isolation Forum – Open Doors Event” showcasing solutions to isolation and loneliness. It was a great opportunity to network with other services, discuss how we...
No Smoking Day: Smokers unaware that quitting smoking will reduce risk of dementia
Smokers in Plymouth are being urged to give quitting a go ahead of No Smoking Day (8th March), as research shows those who smoke are more likely to develop dementia. The annual awareness day encourages smokers to make a quit attempt and this year’s theme is...
Make January Your Fresh Start
As 2023 approaches, many of us are looking at making some New Year’s Resolutions. Thousands of others have quit smoking and you can too – so make this January your fresh start. If you smoke and want to stop, there’s free proven NHS tools and support to help you...
Stoptober is back!
Smokers across Plymouth are encouraged to access support to stop smoking this Stoptober. We are once again supporting the Stoptober campaign, led by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. The campaign aims to encourage residents to quit the habit during...
John’s Success Story
John, 56, started smoking when he was 16 years old. Before he became smokefree he would smoke 20 – 30 cigarettes a day. Before John quit smoking he would consistently wake up in morning with a terrible cough and struggle to make it to the kitchen due to...