Jessica started smoking when she was 15 years old and had smoked for 12 years before she successfully became smoke-free. She used to smoke between 5 – 10 cigarettes per day.

Then something wonderful happened. Jessica found out she was pregnant! Determined to protect her baby and have a healthy pregnancy, she knew she had to stop smoking.

She successfully quit smoking through our Swap-to-Stop in Pregnancy vaping programme. She received 12 12-week supply of vapes and vaping fluids to help her on her quit journey.

“It gave me confidence knowing the vape was there in case of cravings. When I was smoking I used to smoke in the car when stuck in traffic and when watching the TV in the evening, the cravings are worse at those moments. Vaping helped me deal with the cravings.”

Jessica also worked out that she was saving around £70 per month!

She received regular supportive phone calls from her NHS Stop Smoking Practitioner Lisa: “Lisa was so friendly and non-judgemental, I knew I could be honest with her without the fear of being judged.  I felt that she genuinely cared about my wellbeing; we could even laugh and build up a really good rapport. She also said that I could text her between phone calls, it was nice to know that there was additional support out there.”

“I have now completely gone off smoking. If you are looking to quit, I would recommend calling One You Plymouth for extra motivation and support.”

Jessica’s NHS practitioner Lisa said: “Jessica engaged well right from the start and she seemed motivated from the outset for herself and her baby.  She was a joy to have contact with and I wish her and her family well for the future.”