Top Tools and Resources to Help You Quit Smoking this Stoptober

by | September 27th 2021 | Blog

Stoptober is Back!

Stoptober is an annual event to encourage smokers to quit for 28 days in October – with the aim of stopping smoking permanently. It’s based on evidence that suggests after 28 days without smoking, you are up to five times more likely to be able to quit for good.

Because the campaign takes place over October it makes the task of quitting more manageable as you can tackle it one day at a time.

Here’s a list of some of the best tools and resources available that’ll really boost your chances of becoming smokefree.

Stop Smoking Aids

Stop smoking aids can really help with the cravings associated with nicotine withdrawal.  These normally come in two forms:

  • Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
  • Prescription quit smoking medicines

If you’re a regular smoker you are probably aware of NRT products. They come in many different formats, from nicotine patches, gum or lozenges, and are sold in pharmacies and some supermarkets. Meanwhile, prescription medicines are only available through your doctor.

Current evidence suggests that NRT products can greatly increase your chances of becoming smokefree for good.  However, the sheer variety of these products can be quite overwhelming at times when it comes to choosing the best one for you.

Luckily, the NHS provides a breakdown of the latest stop smoking treatments available to help you pick one that suits your lifestyle. You can also book an appointment with one of our specialist stop smoking advisers who can help you see through the NRT fog.

Beat the Cravings

Fortunately, there are lots of hints and tips you can adopt to help you manage the cravings when quitting smoking. These include everything from reducing the number of occasions you expose yourself to temptation, to give yourself the best chance to beat the craving when it does hit.

You probably know an ex-smoker or two, ask them for tips on how to ward off cravings. You can also head over to our inspirational collection of real life success stories which are loaded with useful hints and tips to help you divert your mindset.

Use a Savings Calculator

Money, money, money!

Let’s face it, smoking is expensive. The cost of cigarettes can really add up fast. Want to know how much money you’ll save in a month? A year? 10 years? Just use this savings calculator.  We think you’ll be surprised!


Join a Quit Smoking Support Group

We all know that giving up smoking can be tough. And unless your family and friends are in the same boat, it can be lonely too.

The NHS Smokefree Facebook support group provides access to an online community of others trying to become smokefree and an opportunity for people to share their experiences of quitting smoking.

This online support group is a non-judgemental space where members give each other support and encouragement and share their thoughts and feelings about the highs and lows of giving up smoking.

If you’re battling nicotine addiction and hope one day to give up, the experiences of others in the group could provide just the inspiration and motivation you need. Indeed you may find it easier to quit if you have a support network you can rely on.

Get the App!

Get extra support with the free Smokefree app.  It’ll help you stay on track throughout your quit journey, providing motivation and support on the go and when you need it most.

Get the app to:

  • Stay motivated each day
  • Track the days you’ve been smokefree
  • See how much you’re saving
  • Distract you when you’re craving

You’re more likely to stay quit if you use the right support for you.

Available on iOS and Android devices.


Don’t Be too Hard on Yourself

Try not to be too hard on yourself if you slip up. You might have been doing well, then suddenly you took a cigarette from a friend, or maybe bought a pack from the shops.

Whatever has happened, don’t let it undo all your hard work and just get straight back to being smokefree again. Remember relapses are common and they don’t have to terminate your quit attempt.

If you do relapse and are struggling with the feelings associated with it, check out this supportive article from the NHS: What to do if you relapse after quitting

Get Free Support from a Stop Smoking Adviser

Our stop smoking services are free, friendly and can massively boost your chances of quitting for good.

Our team of expert advisers can provide a range of proven methods to help you become smokefree.

They’ll give you accurate information and advice, as well as professional support.

They also make it easy and affordable for you to get stop smoking treatments.

Why not book an appointment today?