With the help from one of our NHS practitioners Julie, John has recently been able to quit smoking through our smoking service, and we’re incredibly proud to share his story with you.
Since the aged of 15 John was a smoker, smoking 25 cigarettes a day, some of which contained marijuana. After suffering a heart attack he decided it was time to quit. The hospital provided him with our contact information and once he got home he gave our team a call. Before the heart attack occurred John felt he was becoming increasingly breathless and would have violent coughing fits that nearly made him pass out. He blames smoking for this and today explains how these events helped him to quit smoking.
“I have successfully quit using Champix before and it is very effective. I found it surprisingly easier to quit this time than I thought it would be after attempting with Champix in the past. Champix took the edge off and, having those weekly appointments with Julie really helped, having that support network is very important. Julie was there for me every week and saw me through to the end.” Julie in fact helped John arrange a date to quit between day 8 and day 14 of his plan and, John proudly quit on day 11.
Following from Johns success he has some simple advice for anyone else wanting to quit…
“Accept as much of the support as possible. Quit as soon as possible, take control and own it. Don’t delay and just do it. Follow all the advice and guidance given. Don’t be afraid to accept help and talking with an advisor really helps. I feel I can breathe now and I can smell now. I have asthma can now breathe incredibly well with no more coughing.”
If you would like advice and support to quit smoking like Tristan you can contact the One You Plymouth team today and we can help you take the first steps to become smokefree! Call our friendly team on 01752 437 177 or send us an email at [email protected].